ISO-3166 Country Codes and ISO-639 Language Codes

iso 3166 country code of india

More importantly, this country code does not cover all IP addresses in iso 3166 country code of india Europe. This country code does not provide complete coverage of all proxied traffic. Rather, it identifies traffic for specific legal anonymous proxies. Country codes, with the exception of the Country match condition, are case-insensitive. India is a country located in South Asia, situated between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. It shares borders with several countries, including Pakistan to the west and Burma (Myanmar) to the east.

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  1. India is a country located in South Asia, situated between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
  2. This country code identifies a set of IP addresses that are spread out through the Asia/Pacific region.
  3. It shares borders with several countries, including Pakistan to the west and Burma (Myanmar) to the east.
  4. This country code identifies a set of IP addresses used by specific anonymizers or VPN services.
  5. This country code identifies a set of IP addresses that are spread out through Europe.
  6. This country code does not provide complete coverage of all proxied traffic.

This country code identifies a set of IP addresses that are spread out through the Asia/Pacific region. More importantly, this country code consists of a small subset of IP addresses in the Asia/Pacific region. This country code identifies a set of IP addresses used by specific anonymizers or VPN services. These types of services may be used to circumvent IP geolocation restrictions. This country code identifies a set of IP addresses that are spread out through Europe.