Cannabis use cannot be detected in a standard blood test your doctor would use. It requires a specific blood test that can be on the costlier side. Plus, a doctor would require your consent to administer a THC test. That being said, THC can peak in your bloodstream within the first few minutes of smoking weed and decline within an hour.
Are there any long-term effects of heavy cannabis use?
- The research was led by Joshua L. Gowin, PhD, and colleagues from multiple institutions including the University of Colorado, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- Byproducts and metabolites are expelled with the urine or feces following metabolization.
- Cannabis use can be detected anywhere from three to 90 days depending on the type of test.
- However, it may be detectable for up to 3 days after intake in a more sensitive lab saliva test.
- Metabolism plays a significant role as it determines how quickly your body processes the cannabinoids found in marijuana.
- No non-users had positive test results, suggesting that false positives in hair tests are relatively rare.
Their findings, published in JAMA Network Open, suggest that heavy cannabis use may have lasting impacts on cognitive processing, even after someone stops using the drug. These regions of the brain are involved in important cognitive functions such as decision-making, memory, attention and emotional processing. The researchers found that cannabis had a statistically significant effect on brain function during working memory tasks, meaning the observed impact is very unlikely to be due to random chance. The length of time weed stays in your system also depends on how exactly you’re testing. For example, drugs are detectable in your hair for longer than they are in your saliva.
Can Exercise Help in Speeding up THC Elimination?
However, drinking too much water can also dilute your urine and make it suspicious for drug tests. Hair tests can detect THC for up to 90 days, but they may also show false positives from environmental exposure. Blood tests can only detect THC for a few hours, but they are more accurate in measuring the level of impairment. THC and its metabolites are gradually released back into the bloodstream from the fat cells and other tissues.
Can Secondhand Smoke Cause Positive THC Test Results?
Typically, weed will remain longer in hair and can be detectable for up to 90 days from the day of use. Tests can detect weed for up to 30 days in your urine, up to 24 hours in your saliva, and up to 12 hours in your blood. THC is handled differently by your blood, depending on how you take it. Whether it’s quick saliva tests, long-term hair follicle tests, or wide-range urine tests, knowing how they work helps a lot. It makes it easier to deal with the challenges of marijuana use detection.
- Heavy use of cannabis can mean in some cases you can trigger a positive result even after abstaining for a week.
- The time it stays detectable varies based on how often someone uses it.
- Typically, THC is detectable for the least amount of time in saliva.
- Heavy cannabis users in the study tended to be male, with a lower educational and social economic status, and were more likely to be smokers and drink alcohol.
- The technique is widely used to detect recent cannabis usage or for research objectives.
THC enters the bloodstream through the lungs (when smoked or vaped) or the digestive system (when eaten or taken orally). It then travels to various organs and tissues, including the brain, heart, and fat cells, where it interacts with the endocannabinoid system. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis that makes you feel high. It can have various effects on your health, both positive and negative, depending on the dose, frequency, and method of consumption.
Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance tailored to your specific situation. Hair tests are the most sensitive and the most expensive, but they may also show false positives and measure past use rather than current use. Urine tests measure the level of THC-COOH, an inactive metabolite of THC, which can accumulate in the body over time. Make sure to consult your doctor before using any of these products, and do not rely on them alone to pass a drug test. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, you should always consult your doctor before trying any of these methods. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using any of these products, and do not rely on them alone to pass a drug test.
Marijuana Half-Life: How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?
For the specific purpose of cleaning your urine to eliminate THC metabolites, you can also try drinking excessive amounts of water to dilute your urine. However, you should note that this is rarely effective, and screeners can often tell that you have made an attempt to cover your tracks. How long these metabolites remain in your system depends on a lot of factors. Naturally, this can make it hard to figure out how long cannabis stays in your system. THC can be present in urine for anywhere between a couple days to 30 days, and it depends drug addiction treatment on a variety of factors. Drug testing might be degrading, unnecessary and ineffective, but until the federal government changes tack on marijuana, it will likely remain a reality, even in legal states.
While it’s true that researchers were unable to determine if the cannabis was smoked, vaped or eaten, the study was conducted prior to 2015 when smoking marijuana was most common, Gowin said. Saliva tests have the shortest detection window, with THC detectable for hours after use. While some tests aim to detect recent cannabis use, others can identify usage patterns over longer periods. Always be aware of the type of test being administered and how long THC typically remains detectable for that specific method. Anyone concerned about drug testing will want to understand this process, as it highlights why THC can be detectable long after the effects have worn off.
Frequent users may have detectable levels of THC for weeks or months after their last use, while occasional users may only have trace amounts for a few days. Since most of these testing kits are designed to find THC metabolites, users of medical cannabis, which typically contains very little THC, can safely submit to testing 1–3 days after usage. In typical hair follicle testing, how long does weed stay in your system the top 1.5 inches of a strand of head hair is analyzed. Because head hair grows at a rate of 0.5 inches per month, the detection window is therefore around three months. If your hair grows more slowly, this detection window will be longer.
Frequency of Use and Its Impact
In terms of how long a marijuana high lasts, in general, a smoked or vaped high lasts 1-4 hours and a high from edibles lasts 4-10 hours. First, does drinking water somehow increase the amount of THC metabolites you excrete? Since you excrete THC in body fluids, will sweating a lot (like in a sauna) help you beat a drug test?